Mobile App Builder
What is it?
Design for a new offering: A no-code platform for building use case specific mobile apps connected to Quick Base.
My role
I teamed with the Director of PM to build the business case and pitch the concept to the VP of PM. I led the vision workshop, created the conceptual model and validated it with key customers, and worked with the lead PM and the Chief Architect to define the epics.
We had a big product gap to fill.
Quick Base app builders need a way to create single purpose, role specific, mobile apps with workflow optimized for a mobile-only worker, such as field workers or construction site inspectors.
This meant designing a way for non-coders to create a tailored user experience with the same level of simplicity as typical consumer apps their team members were using.
Results of the visioning workshop with the core team. Defines who is (and isn’t) the target audience, what their pain point is, how this will solve that pain point, what the benefit to the customer is, and how it will meet the design principles.
Among the many ways we validated the concept was through a session at Empower, the annual Quick Base conference. The PM Director and I led a session where we laid out our strategy and gathered feedback from over 100 session attendees. The goal was to understand the demand for this offering and to get input on feature prioritization.
See the entire session deck here.
In addition to the Empower session, the XD team tested a hi-fi prototype in the design lab. In 1 on 1 sessions participants used the prototype and then gave feedback on the value of the proposed product and help prioritize features using a Quick Base Kanban board.
We compiled results from all studies and presented them to senior management to get buy-in to green-light the project. Highlights of our testing were:
- 4.67 (out of 5) rating on desirability
- 93 % of respondents said they would use this tool themselves
See the full results deck here.
Used to pitch the idea and to gather early feedback from customers.